Dentist Debunks Four Common Flossing Myths

While many people know that flossing is important for oral health, there are still a lot of myths floating around that can lead to confusion and even harm. With nearly half the surface area of your teeth lying in between them, flossing allows you to get into the gaps and remove bacteria-causing debris.  

Dr Minoo Ghamari, from Gorgeous Smiles Dental in Melbourne frequently shares tips and tricks to her Instagram page, where she boasts 67,000 followers, and often debunks common misconceptions. 

The acclaimed dentist has now also debunked some common flossing myths, in a bid to increase the dental health and hygiene of Australians.    

  1. Flossing Causes Teeth Gaps   

Flossing regularly means you are removing the nasty plaque and build-up from between your teeth, and at times, this can feel like your teeth are spreading apart. However, Dr. Minoo promises that flossing is only showcasing the natural state of your smile, and any gaps that plaque removal reveals, are a much better outcome than cavities and tooth decay.    

  1. Flossing is Bad for You Because it Causes Bleeding   

While it is true flossing can make your gums bleed, bleeding gums are an indication of inflammation, which occurs due to a lack of flossing, and is usually a sign that you should be flossing more often. Dr. Minoo says regular flossing will help prevent sensitive and inflamed gums, rather than make them worse.  

  1. You Can’t Floss if you Have Braces

While  it can be harder to floss with braces, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it at all. Dr. Minoo says flossing is always a necessary practice and can help gums stay clean and free from plaque build-up throughout the teeth-straightening process.  

  1. Brushing Your Teeth is Good Enough 

Brushing your teeth with the right toothbrush is extremely important for dental hygiene. However, there is more you can do to keep your teeth and gums healthy. No matter how efficient your brushing methods are, toothbrushes cannot clean in between teeth and along gum lines like flossing can. Dr. Minoo says cavities are often formed in hard-to-get-to crevices of the mouth, and flossing is the only solution for this.  

Flossing is the most effective gum-protective practice, and Dr. Minoo believes it’s never too late to start. While most people make an effort to brush twice a day, incorporating flossing into your routine allows for increased gum and teeth protection, cavity avoidance, and plaque removal.  

Find out more tricks and tips about alternative teeth alignment by following Dr Minoo on Instagram (@gorgeous.smiles.dentistry) or booking an appointment with Dr. Minoo and her leading team at Gorgeous Smiles.